Monday, September 24, 2007

This is the text of the entire letter sent to the Trib. The trib edits thier letters to the editor.

This is the text of the entire letter. The trib edits thier letters to the editor. Voters deserve better from the Tribune-Review than "Whispers" items when it comes to this year's election for County Commissioner. They deserve details of the candidates' positions and records, and they most certainly deserve balanced coverage.
Sunday's "Whispers" unfairly characterized our campaign efforts as "name-calling". In sharing information with the Trib about our challengers, we questioned their knowledge of county government and their qualifications. We were responding to the claims of one challenger who held a press conference in which he was flat wrong about the state of the county's finances. Given his only previous business experience was CFO of a company that is now bankrupt; his views on all matters financial should be viewed with skepticism.
The other challenger missed the opportunity to do the right thing and correct him, and actually supported his misstatements. Her lack of knowledge about the county, however, is not surprising given that she views the serious business of commissioners as only a part-time job.
Our challengers issue releases full of false information and get full coverage from the Trib. We point out the truth, justifiably point out their records, and are relegated to the back pages. Voters deserve balanced coverage.
Tom Balya and Tom Ceraso
Westmoreland County Commissioners

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